ExploringWorlds: Taking you to real places in the solar system

Exploring Worlds

Apollo 11 annotated small.png

Visit the Moon

Visit all the Apollo landing sites. Spot the lunar descent stages (still left on the Moon) and see the astronauts’ bootprints and buggy tracks, still visible 50 years later.

Mars color small.png

Visit Mars

Visit locations on Mars where humans have yet to set foot. Some images use false colors to highlight different types of material (dust, rock, etc.).

Apollo 16-2 small.png

Immerse yourself

Place the landscapes on a table top or floor. When on the floor, expand its size, raise it off the floor, turn off the camera, and immerse yourself by literally walking through the landscape.

Video: Getting started with ExploringWorlds


Video: Activating ExploringWorld’s advanced features


Video: Tour of all six Apollo landing site


Video: Switching between AR and VR modes in Jezero Crater on Mars



We would like to thank the HiRISE and LROC teams for producing the incredible images and data sets we use in this program.

Mars images and DTM data provided by NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Moon images and DTM data provided by NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University

And the incredible full Moon image:

Full Moon image by Gregory H. Revera
Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.